How`s Your Balance, guys?

Is it bad? Do you think you`re the clumsiest person on the planet? 😁
Yeah, I get you, I used to feel like that (actually still do) when I was 14 years young and started to do sports, more specific, floorball. It`s a team game with sticks and a ball, in case you haven`t heard about it. Anyway, I would always be laying around on the floor with any contact I might get with another person.. 💁 BUT LOOK AT ME NOW ⇡ Not so bad right?
How did I do it? Well, it`s simple guys, you train your balance by actually doing stuff that requires balance and by not stopping doing it, you get better, like I did few years ago and still am doing it. 
Practice makes better, as they say.
Also, a great balance is required in the gym, the heavier weight you take the more balance you will need doing an exercise. That comes with practice and repeating it as well.
All I wanted to do here, was share a great video how you can use cable machine for your PEACHES again but I got too deep in the details, didn`t I? 😅
👇 So, here it is, check it out 👇

Even I haven`t gotten that good to do my set perfectly without loosing my balance at the 9th rep, but that doesn`t stop me and it shouldn`t stop you either doing a great muscle building exercise. There should be no limitations when you train. If you want to get that dream body, you work, you fail, you get up and work again! 💦

Here I used 30kg with a rope at the end of the cable working 15 reps x 4 sets. Simply:
  • Grab the cable between your legs and turn your back,
  • walk further away from it so that the weight doesn`t drop as you go in a deadlift,
  • bend your legs a bit and go down keeping them static and you should feel the stretch in your hammies,
  • once coming back up, power and squeeze your glutes.
  • make sure your back is straight at all times like with everything else.
[ I keep my balance and weight more on the heels, that's how I get more connection in my glutes and hamstrings. ]
This exercise needs a great balance because the weight you`re holding is pulling you back and if you loose it, you`ll fall. 😛 My suggestion is for you to start with the lighter weight and then progress up once you feel you got this 💪 as I don`t want to be responsible for you hurting yourself. Just saying 😌

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Be Safe & Enjoy! 

Eliza Fit Mom x
